I was bummed to hear that comedy superstar Charlie Murphy
lost his long battle with Leukemia and passed at the age of 57. About 10 years
ago at the very beginning of my radio career -literally the VERY beginning- My
co-host Brad set up an over the phone interview with Charlie. Since I was very
much still in the learning stages, the interview is run by Brad. I am the little
laugh and occasional missed comment or joke that gets lost in the back ground.
-Hey we all have to start somewhere right?-
The interview is pretty standard back and forth talking about
recent and upcoming projects, I provided links to them all for you below for
easy reference. When I heard about his passing and my memory went back to this
interview from so long ago what stuck out the most is how he sticks up for his
brother at the end. We cant deny that Eddie is the more famous and successful
brother, but Charlie still being the older brother, obviously has Eddie’s back.
Brad was teasing Charlie about Eddies less popular movies
and Charlie was, in a very kind and diplomatic way, defending his brother –
although I am pretty sure he really wanted to punch Brad through the phone-. Having
four sisters myself I cant help but relate to Charlie's reaction.
Brad opens the interview complementing Charlie on one of his
favorite movies “Harlem Nights.” Charlie had a small roll as Jimmy. Here is a link to the full movie if you are up for it.
Then Charlie goes on to talk about a new project. He partnered
on some level with Sony and had ‘Charlie Murphy’s Crash Comedy Show’ featured
on a Sony owned website called Crackle.com. He talked about the four episodes
that were already live:
Charlie Murphy's Crash Comedy Episode 3 : Airline Security in the Near Future from John Ta on Vimeo.
When asked about crazy party nights, Charlie wouldn’t give
any details but did say that almost every celebrity would agree that Dennis
Rodman is the craziest to hang out with. “He’s Just Rodman.”
An -at the time- upcoming project that Charlie was wrapping
up is Frankenhood.
Positive thoughts and good vibes to everyone that knew Charlie on a personal level. My heart goes out to his two children and his Brother Eddie... Charlie's wife Tisha Taylor Murphy died from cervical cancer at the end of 2009, hopefully they are reunited. Rest in Peace Charlie ...
What was your favorite Charlie Show, Movie, character, or skit?
Positive thoughts and good vibes to everyone that knew Charlie on a personal level. My heart goes out to his two children and his Brother Eddie... Charlie's wife Tisha Taylor Murphy died from cervical cancer at the end of 2009, hopefully they are reunited. Rest in Peace Charlie ...
What was your favorite Charlie Show, Movie, character, or skit?
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